Monday, December 16, 2013


In this picture there is a woman, standing in the rain with the dark silhouette of her body outlined. I think that if i had to pick a rule for this picture that it would be Rule of Thirds. This, I believe is the best choice because in Rule of Thirds the photo would be described to be divided up into 9 segments, and the subject of this photo would be positioned on either left or right.

In this photo there is another woman but this time she is walking through, whats looks like a tunnel of fully grown leaves. The rule of photography that I would choose for this picture would be framing. I say that because in the rule framing, the edges of the pictures are most of the time, strategically placed around a natural frame. The natural frame could be the edges of a forest or the edges of a lake etc. The natural frame is set to draw your attention towards the main subject of the picture which I think this photo does very well.

In this picture there is a clock, well there was a clock but it looks to have been cut in half by some natural disaster or maybe even a bomb. The rule that I would choose for this photo would be simplicity, and I would choose that because in the photo there is only ONE subject and that is the clock. In simplicity the subject is very clear and there isn't anything in the background that could draw the attention away from the subject, and in this photo the background is very simple.

In this photo there is a self made molotov being thrown at something or someone, which is not good because that means conflict. The rule that I would choose for this picture is viewpoint and I would choose that because of the angle that the photographer shot it in. He put  the molotov in the picture  but what he didn't get was the thrower and the receiver  of the molotov.


This photo shows an indian monk named Bachel Nomahan who died for his beliefs in october 17, 2005 in the city of census, India. He is showing the lengths to which people will go to, to make the world a better place.

"BILLY" the nation wide famous Rhino was killed today by a russian hunter from Moscow, time of death was set at 22:19 hours. The killer is now in holding at the Los angelus police department. Billy will be greatly missed by all, and will live on forever in america's hearts.

At 2:23 august 16, 2013 a Hired gun tried to take the life of Senator Ronald Clemens, while on his way to celebrate his becoming senator of colorado. If the FBI didn't get the  anonymous tip off, Senator Ronald Clemens would not be alive today.

Friday, December 13, 2013



1. Aperture is often compared to the iris of the eye. 
2. The smaller the aperture the greater the depth, the higher the aperture the smaller the depth. 
3. Aperture impacts depth of field by making the main subject sharp and the background blurry during a large f-stop and the opposite during a small f-stop.


At the beginning while the sun is still partially up and the courtyard has reasonable light:
a.) the dunking booth- High Shutter Speed
b.) the food eating contest- High Shutter Speed
c.) the rock climbing wall- High Shutter Speed
d.) someone working at a booth- Slow Shutter Speed
e.) the DJ/MC working at the middle of the circle- Slow Shutter Speed
f.) the Diamonds performance- High Shutter Speed

Towards the end when there is no sun and has gotten dark enough that you can't see from one end of the courtyard to the other.
a.) The dunking booth - High Shutter Speed
b.) The food eating contest - Slow Shutter Speed
c.) The rock climbing wall - Slow Shutter Speed
d.) Someone working at a booth - Slow Shutter Speed
e.) The DJ/MC working at the middle of the circle - Slow Shutter Speed
f.) The Diamonds performance - High Shutter Speed

Auto - The camera selects what the shutter speed will be depending on it's surroundings.
Aperture Priority - You can change the aperature manualy but the camera changes the shutter speed Automatic Manual - You can change both aperature and shutter speed by hand

ISO 200

ISO 3200

1.It will be easier to capture the moving objects of the players in action.

2. If you have your camera mounted on a tripod or sitting on a flat surface. Your camera will most likely need more time to capture the scene and anything that is moving is probably going to look like a ghost.3. To set my ISO to a higher number to be able to freeze motion

F4 - 1/250:  The background is blurryF5.6 - 1/60:  The background is less blurryF8 - 1/60:  The background is less blurryF11- 1/60:  The background is more clearF16- 1/30:  It's the same the backgroundF22 - 1/8: When the background is more clear and blurry.

At slow shutter speed people are blurry.A higher shutter speed will solve the problem. The lowest shutter speed is 1/40.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


I chose this for self portrait because its showing the face and nothing but the face and the out line of his features are good.

 I chose this picture for self portrait because it only shows her and its a very good photo to outline her personality.


I chose this photo for formal portrait because of the formality of it. It shows Einstein in a suit but we all know that he doesn't wear a suit 24/7 he's doing it to be formal at an event.

I chose this picture for formal portrait cause it shows you can be beautiful and formal at the same time.


I chose this photo for casual portrait because the women is acting casual and is in her natural state.

I chose this photo for casual portrait because its simple and she's not all dressed up. The photographer made it look as if he just bumped into her on the street and asked if he could take her picture.


 I chose this picture for environmental portrait because it out lines the subjects face very well and also it shows the subjects normal environmental background.

I chose this picture for environmental portrait because it really shows the background of a kid living on a farm.


if i was going to make a chia pet it would be a super man with S as the green grass stuff.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


my thanksgiving was great i baked a couple of pies and the food was just amazing i ate till i couldn't eat no mow.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


I wanted to heat up some hot chocolate in my metal cup and blew up the microwave blew up.

Monday, November 18, 2013


If I could make an iPhone app I would make an app that would show a persons face based on the back of their head.

Thursday, November 7, 2013


MY super hero would have the power to absorb anything even other peoples powers and he can switch between all the things he's absorbed. 

HIS name will be "ABSORBO" and he will wear a pitch black suit.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


I chose this picture for lines because of the lines on the sewer grate.

I chose this picture for balance because it shows the picture on equal sides

I chose this picture as simplicity because it is just focusing on the letter C

I chose this picture as framing because The picture is framing her face perfectly and it looks like it belong in a frame.
This picture fits into contrast because you want to look at the building in contrast to the tree.
I chose this picture for rule of thirds because it shows the baby in the bottom right hand corner of the picture.
 I chose this picture for repetition because its shows the repeating of the books.
I chose this picture for unique perspective cause it shows Joshua's face from an awesome angle.

Friday, November 1, 2013


1. when i saw the picture i chose for black and white photography i thought it was so beautiful because of the wonderful mountain in the back round like i can almost feel like I'm there and i want to go there before i die, not in the same place but i wanna see some beautiful stuff just like it. The thing in particular that made me want to choose it was how the sun reflected of the mountain it was just so beautiful.

I SEE: Mountains.
I SMELL: That smell when its about to rain.
I HEAR: The rustling of the leaves and the whistle of the wind.
I TASTE: Apple cider.
I FEEL: A little chilly because I'm high up and the winds blowing but I'm wearing a thick jacket so I'm nice and cozy.

3. I think if i was trying to get ANSEL ADAMS name out i would make some posters with his name and a couple of his photos on it and post them around the school and i would also make a blog about him and put all his information on it with some more of his photos.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Some of the scariest sounds I've heard are like when a door closes by itself and also the sound of piano strings being plucked.

Monday, October 28, 2013


My room is very boring i have nothing of importance in it i rarely spend time in it.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


My five favorite smells from 1 being LOVE and 5 being alright.
. November Rain
. Apple pumpkin 
. How it smells just before it rains.
. The smell of Hollister cologne.
. The smell of lemon drops.

The first two smells I chose are the names of candles.

Friday, October 18, 2013


My ideal Halloween is me my friends and a couple of girls from school laid back with a bucket of candy watching scary movies.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013



I like this picture because it shows a lone lion resting in the shade after a hard days work and its just a beautiful photo.

The Photographer that took these photos is Nick Grant.
*He uses a Asahi Pentax 6x7.
*he take photos because he loves photography.
*His hope by taking these pictures is to capture people.

Friday, October 11, 2013


My ideal dream car would be a 4 seat stick shift black mustang shelby with leather seats and  a customized set of wheels. The best part is that the car would never run out of gas and it would never have a speed limit.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


I believe that this is a good story because it shows the relation ship between the teacher and the student and i think thats its a wonderful thing when you have a good teacher because it makes learning that much easier.

I believe this is a very good action and emotion picture because it shows a person in action doing what he loves and in wielding it takes emotion to make something beautiful.


I believe this is a very good filling the frame picture because the people in this picture are active and when the subject in the picture is active it gives the photo a very filling sensation.


I follow all my friends on instagram, but most of all my friends that i follow are from Alabama. Im starting to make some friends in Texas though and my followers number is going up!

Monday, October 7, 2013


LINES - are marks made by a pointed tool: brush, pencil, pen, etc. Lines can vary in width, direction, curvature, length, or co marks made by a pointed tool.
SHAPES - Are geometric shapes such as circles, triangles or squares have perfect, uniform measurements and don't often appear in nature.
COLOR - the property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way the object reflects or emits light.
VALUE - or tone, refers to dark and light; the value scale refers to black and white with all gradations of gray in between. 
FORM - describes objects that are three-dimensional, having length, width, and height.
TEXTURE - the feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or a substance.
SPACE - distances or areas around, between, or within components of a piece.
BALANCE - an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady.
CONTRAST - the state of being strikingly different from something else.
EMPHASIS - the focal area of an artwork gives it importance.
MOVEMENT - is an act of changing physical location or position or of having this changed.
PATTERN - a repeated decorative design.
RHYTHM - a strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound.
UNITY-the state of being united or joined as a whole.


The the things that i want out of this six weeks are things such as more photo shoots and more editing pictures. I would like to learn the basics of the camera and how to use it.

Thursday, October 3, 2013


I like this picture because it shows other types of religion and culture. I think that this picture has elements such as framing and balance. I also think that the photographer should have respected that these people were in a personal and spiritual moment and waited till they were done.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Ansel Adams was born on February 20, 1902, in California. Adams was a master black and white photography and mastered in nature photos. Adams also helped to establish photography among the fine arts.He died California, on April 22, 1984.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


I chose this picture for Avoiding Mergers because this could be a photo inside of a photo. All you need to do is zoom in on the people.


I chose this photo for simplicity because all the colors in this photo are the same so theres nothing that drives your attention away from the women in the picture.


I chose this picture for Lines because of the lines on the building.


I chose this picture for The Rule of Thirds because the object is in the bottom right hand corner of the picture.


I chose this picture for Balance because the picture is really level and not tilting to the right or left.


I chose this photo for Framing because this picture would look really good in  frame.

Thursday, September 19, 2013





My monster meal would be a steak burger with 4 cheeses, bacon, and a mix of fries and onion rings with chick-fil-a sauce on top and smothered in butter and love. ahhhhhhh yeahhhhhh.

Friday, September 13, 2013

camera history

1. The obscura effect is achieved by focusing and projecting light onto a wall of the dark the dark chamber.

2. The invention that took us one step closer to the modern camera was the glass lens invented by Isaac Newton and Christian Hughes.

3. The parts of the first modern camera invented by Nicepce was the film.

4. The things in common between Nicepce's camera and the modern camera are the glass lenses and the film.

5.Modern cameras use the digital film to capture photos.

6. Auto puts the flash on the camera and program mode does not.

7. The portrait mode is used to attempt to blur out the background and to focus on the object that you are trying to take a picture of.

8.The sports mode puts the camera on its highest shooting speed.

9. You should half press before you take a picture to focus in on the object that you are trying to shoot.

10. That symbol means that the flash is off.

11. That symbol means that the flash will go on automatically whenever it is needed.

12. If there is too much light in the picture you are trying to take then it will just come up white.

13. If there is not enough light then it will appear black.

14. A stop is a change in light.

15. It is 2 stops brighter if there are two sons instead of one.

16. It is 4 stops brighter if there are 4 suns instead of one.

17. A longer shutter speed makes it easier to take fast pased pictures.

18. A shorter shutter speed makes it harder to take a picture because you have to stay still while taking them.

19. Aperture control is controlling how much light goes throughout the lens.

20. You can control the amount of light by using F-stops.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Masters of Black and White Photography

Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams



This is my favorite photo I took on the first day because she is in  her natural state and I think those are the best times to take photos.